Самарский областной медицинский информационно-аналитический центр


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About us


The history of our Medical Center for Information and Analysis (MCIA) begins from 30th of December 1981. On that day according to resolution № 810-r of Kuybyshev regional executive committee a Data-computing center of regional Board of Health was established. In 1996 data-computing center was renamed Samara region Medical Center for Information and Analysis – MCIA. At the moment MCIA comprises 22 departments,with 146 specialists (4 of them – with academic degree).

Official title is State budgetary healthcare institution «Samara region Medical Center for Information and Analysis».

Official abbreviation is MCIA.

Main directions of activity of MCIA

  • Preparation of annual state report on public health and health care status of the Samara region
  • Healthcare modernization programs monitoring
  • Development and follow-up control of documents in domain of information technologies
  • Data exchange standards development
  • Management of reference data
  • Electronic databases development
  • Software development
  • Hardware and computer maintenance
  • Regional medical computer network maintenance and support
  • Data protection (personal health data)
  • Analytical reports preparation and publication
  • Medical statistics and healthcare standardization
  • Annual reports preparation
  • “Healthcare” priority national project implementation monitoring
  • Publishing and printing
  • Archiving and library activities